Exchange shift feature allows the guards to exchange their assigned shifts with other security guards assigned to the same post site, right from the GuardsPro Mobile App. The admin can choose to manually approve the exchange shift requests or set the requests to be approved automatically from the guard settings. In both cases, the guards will be notified on the app itself.
We'll discuss the swap shift process in 3 steps:
- Requesting Exchange Shifts
- Accepting Exchange Shifts
- Admin Approval
1. Requesting Swap Shifts
To request swap shifts, the first step is to make sure that you are checked-in to the post site and you've confirmed the shift which you want to swap.
Note that for exchanging shifts on the same day, the time difference should be 2 hours. For example, if the shift is at 5:00 pm, then it should be exchanged before 3:00 pm.
To exchange the shift, go to the home screen, click on the Schedule icon and then select the Exchange Shift.
You can see all the exchange requests you've sent and received. To make a new exchange shift request, click on the Plus icon. A list of confirmed shifts is available on the next screen which you can request to exchange.
Click on the shift to view details and then click on the Select Shift.
You are then asked to select the guard with whom you'd like to exchange the shift. You can simply select the guard to see his confirmed shifts. Now you can go ahead and select the shift to be swapped.
Now click on Select Shift, click Exchange Shift and Confirm.
Now the request is shown under your sent swap shifts with the status as pending till the time other guard accepts or rejects the request.
2. Accepting Swap Shifts
The guard you've asked to exchange the shift with has to confirm the request. In the same way, if you've received a exchange request, you can accept it by following these steps:
When an exchange shift has been requested, the guard can check the same under the Exchange Shift option in the Received tab.
By clicking on the shift, you can view the shift details of both the sender and receiver. Now click on the Accept or Reject button and confirm.
After the receiver has accepted the exchange shift request, the sender now sees the Receiver Status as Accepted and Admin Status as Pending or Approved based on the admin settings.
3. Admin Approval
The admin can choose to manually approve the exchange shift requests or set the requests to be approved automatically from the guard settings.
If the admin does not allow auto-approval for the exchange shifts, the request also needs to be approved by the admin after it is accepted by the receiving guard. If auto-approval is allowed, only the receiving guard has to confirm the request.
When the exchange shift request has been approved by the admin, the status of the request changes from Pending to Approved.
If the exchange shift request is rejected you stay responsible to be present on the post site at the scheduled time for the shift.
If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact our support team anytime.
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