When the guard is assigned any shift, he is immediately notified about the same on the GuardsPro Guard Web Portal asking him to acknowledge and confirm the shift. This acts as an assurance that the guard will be available for the shift.
In this article, we will discuss confirming standard and open shifts from the Guard Web Portal.
A standard shift is assigned to a specific guard and can only be confirmed by him while an open shift can be filled in by any of the guards assigned to the post site based on their availability. As a new shift is created, the guard is notified on the Guard Web Portal.
To view the shift, click on the Scheduler on the dashboard and select Schedule from the drop-down.
You can filter the schedule to check the shifts for a particular site.
When you click on the shift, you’ll be able to see all the details of the shift- start and end time, shift type, post site, details of breaks available, and any note added by the admin. To confirm a shift, simply click on the tick mark in front of your name and confirm.
The shift now turns green meaning that the shift is confirmed. It is only after you've confirmed a shift, you can clock-in to start the shift.
If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact our support team anytime.
Please feel free to watch our informative tutorial video on YouTube:
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