The geofencing feature lets you create virtual barriers on the post site with the help of Google Maps, ensuring that the guard movement is restricted to the authorized areas. After you've created a geofence on the client site, GuardsPro logs the details of guard entry and exit from the specified area.
To check the geofence logs, follow these easy steps:
Click on the Reports tab on the main menu, and from the Log Reports section, select Geofence Logs.
Here you can see a list of all the entries and exits from the geofenced area along with the details of the client, post site, guard, geofence location, and the date & time of entry or exit. You can refine the results using the filters to view the logs for a particular client, post site, guard or a date range.
By clicking on the View Location, you can see the exact location of the guard on the map at the mentioned time.
If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact our support team anytime.
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